January Community Led Party

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2024! Think it’s time to start planning the January Community Led Party! :partying_face:

CTA: Decide on day, time and name

Timeline and events:
Guests Speaker (who?)
ZEN updates and 2024 roadmap
EON stats
Meme competition
Coloring page
Zen raffle

Meme competition: Topic to be shared one week before the party, allowing enough time for quality entries. Winners will be selected by quality and team feedback. (Prizes?)

Coloring page: page to be shared 3-4 days before the party, and the page must be colored and shared before the party. (Prizes?)

Zen Raffle: users to react to the emoji at the start of the party and two winners to be selected at the end of the party by lucky wheel. (Prizes?)

Quiz: standard discord quiz


Guest speaker: Rob and Psyrax
Party name suggestion: ZEN Fest

Let’s celebrate the new year and enjoy festive atmosphere of Horizen’s community.

It would be great if @Manon send invitations to select a combined time, date


Trying to come with a name that will resonate with the greatness that will come in 2024


I guess the time and date should be made known soon, so we can plan towards the date


For the quizzes, I feel there should be a channel chosen and made known so persons can easily participate


Yes. Let’s select a date and time @PVM :wink:

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Yes, that first and then lets plan the events

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And please submit budget for the gifts/rewards :wink:

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some event name ideas:

  • ZENConnect

  • ZENSpark

  • HorizenCommunityCon


Zen Conneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect :'D :'D

I like ZenSpark

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Love the ZenConnect name, will prefer it for a physical meetup :slight_smile:

I also like ZenSpark

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Hey PVM - love the imitative. Let me know how I can help and if I missed anything to catch up on for this.
