HallowEON Community Led Party πŸŽƒ

Community Led Horizen #HallowEON Party on Monday at 6:30 PM UTC!

Drawing competition, quizzes, prizes, learning sessions & more :jack_o_lantern:

Best entries will win $ZEN swag!

Follow us to stay updated! :eyes:


Can’t wait to join the party today :wink:

@PVM share the highlights :wink:

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Great job on the HallowEON party, everyone!


Participation above expectations, with over 30 members and ambassadors online during the event.
The number of events fitted the timeframe, but we could have been more prepared with the competitions. Better planning in the future regarding events, tasks, prizes and set date to start promoting the event.

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Thank you for joining Rob!


I wouldn’t want to have missed a good party!