Title: Empowering Our Community: A Spotlight on daily tasks Member-Created Tutorials

Hello, Horizen Discourse Community!

We’re excited to introduce a new topic that shines a light on the incredible contributions of our members. This space is dedicated to the tutorials created by our community members as part of their daily tasks.

These tutorials are more than just guides; they are a testament to the collaborative spirit of our community. They represent the shared knowledge, diverse skills, and unwavering dedication of our members. Each tutorial is a stepping stone, helping us all to learn, grow, and achieve more together.

We invite you to explore these tutorials, engage in discussions, share your feedback, and perhaps even find inspiration to create your own.


We’re thrilled to share a recent contribution from one of our active community members, JoseRamiz. JoseRamiz has created a comprehensive tutorial on how to swap Zen to any other coin/chain using the Interportfi platform.

This tutorial is a testament to the power of our community and the shared knowledge within it. It provides step-by-step instructions, making the process of swapping Zen to any other coin or chain accessible and understandable for all members of our community.

We invite you to check out this tutorial and join the discussion. Your feedback and insights are invaluable in fostering a vibrant and collaborative community.

We’re delighted to spotlight another valuable contribution from our community member, Criminel. Criminel has crafted a detailed tutorial on how to swap Zen to any other coin/chain using the Interportfi platform1.

This tutorial not only provides a step-by-step guide on swapping Zen, but also offers insights into the use of Sphere by Horizen wallet, MetaMask, and the EON network1. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of cross-chain transfers
Link to the tutorial


Our community member, @JoseRam73306740, has created a comprehensive guide on how to use the Ascent Exchange to swap Zen to any available chain. This tutorial is perfect for both beginners and experienced users looking to expand their knowledge on cryptocurrency exchanges. Check out the full tutorial on Twitter here.
Link to the tutorial

learn how to swap ZEN with the help of SpookySwap DEX in the tutorial by our daily tasks community member Kakashi

Meet Valentine, a dedicated member of the Horizen daily tasks community. In a recent discussion, Valentine shared insights on how to swap ZEN for other cryptocurrencies using SpookySwap

Stay tuned for more such contributions from our community members.
Happy learning