Representation of HORIZEN at NF_NG - DeFi Summer summit in Lagos

Event Overview: The DeFi Summer event in Lagos was a key gathering for blockchain enthusiasts, developers, and investors. It featured insightful panels, project showcases, and numerous networking opportunities. :earth_africa:

Representation of Horizen : I took the opportunity to promote Horizen and its product, EON, through various strategies to maximize outreach. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Promotional Strategies:

  1. Stickers:

. Distributed Horizen-branded stickers, ensuring visibility around the event. :art:

  1. Group Explanations:

. Conducted group explanations detailing EON’s features, engaging attendees in interactive discussions. :speech_balloon:

  1. Website Promotion:

. Directed attendees to the Horizen website for detailed information and resources on EON. :link:

  1. Teasing EON 2.0:

.Shared exciting teasers about the upcoming EON 2.0.

Event Highlights:

.Networked with developers, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts to build relationships and explore partnerships.
.Engaged in discussions with other attendees, sharing insights on EON’s impact in the DeFi space.

I am proud to have represented Horizen once again, showcasing our product’s potential and building valuable connections within the growing Web3 community in this vibrant part of the world.

Date: 25/06/24
Venue : Landmark Event centre, Victoria Island, Lagos.


Pics are very nice.

Thank you for representing us there.

Looks like there are a lot of events in your area. Do you find also smaller meetups?

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Thank you!:slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, there are a lot of Web3 and blockchain-related events here. We also have smaller meetups, which are more like workshops, as well as hackathons, with an increasing number making significant inroads. The blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape is rapidly expanding.

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Massive one Big Rob

Great to also seeing you represent Horizen in Nigeria… NFT_NG DeFi Summer was huge, missed out due to illness.