Discord: @everyone 🚀 EXCITING NEWS - ZEN USD ($ZUSD), the first nati

@everyone :rocket: EXCITING NEWS - ZEN USD ($ZUSD), the first natively-issued & fully-backed stablecoin, is launched on Horizen EON! Learn more about this launch: ZEN USD (ZUSD) Stablecoin Launches on the Horizen EON Network | by Horizen Labs | Nov, 2023 | Medium

$ZUSD is created by Stably in collaboration with Horizen Labs. $ZUSD is now easily accessible worldwide through a variety of common payment methods such as ACH, major credit cards, and other popular stable coins on major blockchain networks such as $USDC. You can mint or redeem $ZUSD via the Stably Ramp: https://ramp.stably.io

For more $ZUSD information and user instructions, visit: What is ZEN USD (ZUSD)? | Stably Help Center