Discord: @everyone 🚀Cross-chain trading platform Interport Finance i

@everyone :rocket:Cross-chain trading platform Interport Finance is now LIVE on Horizen EON!

:globe_with_meridians: This integration not only boosts the efficiency & security of cross-chain transactions but also signifies a step towards a broader vision of a more interconnected defi ecosystem. Learn more about this integration: Horizen EON Integrates with Interport Finance to Enhance Cross-Chain Trading Capabilities on the EON DeFi Ecosystem - Horizen Blog

Interport’s platform offers a multitude of benefits, such as seamless cross-chain swaps, best trading rates through price aggregation, and reduced slippage by leveraging cross-chain liquidity. These features, coupled with EON’s EVM compatibility and robust smart contracting capabilities, will significantly enhance the user experience for developers and DeFi enthusiasts alike.

:rocket: Level up your defi skills on Horizen EON with Interport now: https://interport.fi


Awesome! This is key infrastructure for our EVM ecosystem. One of the problems we’ve faced is getting liquidity easily onto EON and Interport is one of the solutions. Great job!


I love it how EON keeps adding cool stuff every week. Feels like an advent calender


Can someone help me figure this out? Who is this Aggreg8 that is listed? It appears that there is about an $80 fee for this cross chain swap, which is fine, I just want the details

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I was trying to look through the documentation for this, and seems like the documentation did not show this “Aggreg8” for the examples - I’m wondering if it has something to do with the specific route across new chains…

the fee definitely seems to be coming from gas fee costs on Ethereum mainnet - so my understanding would be originating from other lower cost L2’s should have much lower fees (as shown in their documentation with example being Fantom to Polygon with $0.52 gas fees)

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I was able to find “Aggreg8” as one of the aggregation services listed under the UI options panel

So it seems most likely its using 1inch for the ZEN->USDC Swap on the Ethereum Side - then LayerZero used to bring the USDC to EON in the background - and then I suppose Aggreg8 being the service facilitating the transaction completing on the EON side (USDC → ZEN) on spookyswap.

If you disable all aggregators except 1 inch, the transaction will find no route to complete as shown here

Then when you turn back on aggreg8 + 1inch together - it is able to route the transaction

The settings dialogue to toggle different aggregators on/off is here in the green circle top right of the swap page


now that was an amazing explanation :slight_smile:

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