Understanding the Imperative of Blockchain Modularization

The concept of modularization in blockchain technology is increasingly recognized as a cornerstone for the advancement and sustainability of blockchain systems. Modularization fundamentally involves structuring a blockchain into distinct, interconnected components, each specializing in a specific function. This approach bears several critical benefits:

  • Scalability: By separating various functionalities into distinct modules, blockchain networks can scale more efficiently. Each module can be optimized and scaled independently, facilitating overall network growth without the complexities of a monolithic structure.

  • Efficiency and Performance: Modular structures allow for targeted optimization of each component, enhancing the performance and efficiency of the blockchain.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: A modular blockchain can swiftly integrate new technologies or adapt to changes, offering a high degree of flexibility in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

  • Security Enhancements: In a modular setup, potential security risks are isolated within individual modules, reducing the impact of vulnerabilities and facilitating more focused security measures.

  • Innovation-Friendly Environment: Modularization fosters an ecosystem where developers can innovate within individual modules, encouraging continuous improvement and evolution of the blockchain technology.

The New Horizen vision is a pivotal move towards blockchain modularization, focusing on proof verification and settlement in a multi-chain environment. Emphasizing scalability and security, Check the New ZENIP Idea


Great summary @rocket. We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to jump on modularizing one part of the monolithic stack (proof verification) as a first mover before anyone else. There’s only so many modules of the stack that exist, and the fact that we can position New Horizen to own one of them, to be the first and dominant player, is just awesome.


How do testnets work with modularization. Do you need new testnet for each module that is being tested or just one? Could we have more explanation on this.

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taking an example.

Optimism is a modular execution layer in the ethereum space. If optimism wants to operate a testnet, they have to have an Optimism execution layer testnet, that posts its transaction data to an Ethereum testnet. Furthermore, if it uses celestia for data availability, then it needs to also communicate with the celestia testnet.

So I guess the answer is one testnet per modular layer. But I’m not really sure that this should be concerning to anyone.