Video of my Recommendation for Horizen Community on new ZenIP for moving ZEN to a new Blockchain!

As co-founder and active community member of Horizen, I have studied the ideas and opportunity of the ZK proof verification blockchain that is being developed. There is a choice the community can make to be part of this system, and specific action is required for this to happen. Watch this video for my recommendations on what the Horizen community should do to maximize the usefulness of $ZEN


Great explanation!
Are we likely having NH on mainnet this quarter?


Thank you! I think we all want the ZK Proof Verification chain ecosystem to get up and running as fast as possible. This quarter is unlikely, though.

The tech team built a fully functioning testnet blockchain in less than 3 months. It can launch the system relatively quickly. There are other things also necessary to build a new ecosystem.

Looking at what can be done to move fast!


Will ZKPV release the main network at the end of 2024?

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The intention is to be in mainnet production with a full ecosystem before the end 2024.

The Horizen Labs software development team in 2024 is very different than in previous years. Zain Cheng is the CTO, and he has the team delivering quality software rapidly

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Looking forward to it.


thanks for the in-depth explanation Rolf!