Discord: @everyone📢 Additional Instructions For Voting On ZenIP 4220

@everyone📢 Additional Instructions For Voting On ZenIP 42206:-

We’ve noticed that regardless of the voting instructions and documentation that have been provided and positive sentiment towards this proposal, some of the community members may be still experiencing technical difficulties in the voting process.

We have identified 4 blockers that may be preventing some community members from being able to vote easily:
:point_right: Voting from a multi-sig wallet
:point_right: Voting from a non-Sphere wallet
:point_right: Voting with ZEN staked on a Horizen Node
:point_right: Voting with ZEN stored on an exchange

and follow the instructions in this blog if you are trying to vote using one of these methods: Additional Instructions for Voting on ZenIP 42206 - Horizen Blog

All ZEN holders have until 11/23/2023 00:00 AM UTC (11/22/2023 19:00 PM ET) to cast their vote via Snapshot. Be sure to cast your vote before the deadline: Snapshot