Change Nomenclature for the smallest unit of ZEN to Satori Could also be token name for NH token

Satori from wikipedia is Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, “comprehension; understanding” . It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to a deep experience of kenshō, “seeing into one’s true nature”.

The smallest unit 0.00000001 $ZEN should be known as one Satori



Maybe I’m a pleb, but I thought that the smallest divisible unit of zen token is referred to as zennies.


I’m proposing a change. Zennies doesn’t do it for me


I propose that someone proposes a new proposal so that we can announce when the announcement of the decision to announce the proposed changes that are being considered.

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I think it means money in Japanese also it’s what capcom refers to their digital currency in the game as. I like zennies because I played video games as a kid. Heavy on megaman, so naturally I decided to ape my life savings into Zen.


To me Zennies still sound better :thinking:

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Okay you guys win… I’m all in on Zennies. Aping my life savings now!

interesting name for sure, curious to see others thoughts.

I’m a fan of Zennies as a meme-coin haha

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