Horizen Q3 Review

Q3 2024 was transformative for Horizen, with major governance decisions, tokenomics upgrades, and technical advancements setting the stage for Horizen 2.0. Discover how these developments are ushering in a new era for Horizen by reading the full review here: Q3 UPDATE


Recently read the Q3 report, made my own review post about it on X… there was alot of work done during Q3, from different softwares advancements, incredible developments towards Horizen 2.0 and even decisions from the community through voting on ZenIPs to determine the future of the ecosystem


Here’s my summary of Q3, where we are now, and what’s coming:

  1. You’re seeing the end stages of massive investment in community governance that resulted in critical tech upgrades hitting testnet in Q4. How many OG projects like ours have been able to evolve like we have?
  2. Ramping into this, the team has been refining positioning, messaging, and has been getting out there evangelizing at many events and speaking opportunities.
  3. But what comes next is the fun part: a huge push for use cases and on-chain activity! This is where I’m starting to focus my time and directing our org’s resources to contribute.

It has been a grind to get to where we are now, but it’s about to get a lot more interesting and fun. I encourage everyone here to double down their attention and efforts to be a part of the great revival that’s about to happen.


keep pushing forward!