Discord: Mainnet Node Software Upgrade ZEN 5.0.0 is Available to Down

Mainnet Node Software Upgrade ZEN 5.0.0 is Available to Download, learn more about this in our Blog Post: Mainnet Node Software Upgrade: ZEN 5.0.0 is Available to Download - Horizen Blog

:loudspeaker: Reminder, ZEN 5.0.0 will perform a network upgrade on Mainnet via Hard Fork at block #1502800, on February 7th, 2024 at approximately 12:00 PM UTC.

After the previously mentioned Hard Fork, it will no longer be possible to perform any transactions involving shielded addresses. It is highly recommended to move funds out of the shielded pool before then. Directly depositing funds from shielded addresses to exchange wallets is strongly discouraged.

Learn more about this and how to de-shield ZEN on Sphere Wallet in our tutorial blog: How to De-Shield ZEN on Sphere Wallet - Horizen Blog