Hello, we are trying to register new EON Forger node. All installations on new server, zend and evmapp are running fine within docker. However documentation for registering the node is confusing. We are currently at the point to have node running and have ready zens in Metamask wallet, but unable to deposit zens to a local node wallet and register the node…
We tried to to run curl command registerForger as in doc registerForger.md,
docker compose -f /home/${USER}/compose-evm-simplified-main/deployments/forger/eon/docker-compose.yml exec evmapp gosu
user bash -c ‘curl -sXPOST “${SCNODE_REST_PORT}/transaction/registerForger” -H “accept: application/
json” -d {
“blockSignPubKey”: “OUR_BLOCK_SIGN_PUB_KEY”,
“vrfPubKey”: “OUR_VRF_PUB_KEY”,
“rewardShare”: “1000”,
“stakedAmount”: “10000000”
Upon run, function doesn’t seem to do anything… Our understanding of the doc above was that registerForger call should link our server node with our Metamask wallet, deposit 10zen (available in wallet, specified in call above) to local wallet and start sending earned money to the same Metamask wallet. However, this assumption seems wrong, as registerForger call does NOT work without funds ALREADY in local server wallet (before call). There are no instructions in documentation how to deposit 10 zen to local node wallet (what blockchain it is, what is receiving address, steps…), so we are we are not able to register our node :(. If the deposit is necessary before registerForger is run, that should have been specified as one of the earlier setup steps.
We just want to simply register the node, i.e. connect it with our Metamask wallet to deposit 10 zens and receive rewards from node run. For now we are not interested in contracts, staking and other complexities. Is registerForger call supposed to conclude node setup, before OPTIONAL Staking? As registerForger fails because local wallet doesn’t have 10 zens BEFORE command is run, for the new nodes, users would need to know how to send 10 zens (e.g. from Metamask wallet) to local node wallet?
Staking options (like bank term deposits) are very separate from anything else in all exchanges I saw. However, in Forger Node install docs (EON Forger Node Setup Guide | Horizen Documentation) staking chapter just continues after registerForger chapter (no expected registration completion there), like it is MANDATORY part of the whole node registration process?! However, if staking is mandatory and the only way to get funds to local node wallet (??), then registerForger call seems to be possible ONLY AFTER 10 zens are deposited to local node wallet via staking process (however in documentation, mandatory registerForger is specified before staking, but refers to the deposit somehow already existing in local node wallet)??
Regarding staking, the implementation docs suggest to get a related local git repo, and do a number of complex steps, involving yet another tool Remix IDE (in addition to Sphere and Metamask). Are Remix, staking and related many steps with javascript etc. really necessary just to run a registered EON node?!
Help would be deeply appreciated.