2023 HorizenEON Achievements and Integrations!

2023 HorizenEON Achievements and Integrations! :medal_sports:

The Horizen chain become EVM-compatible through the EON sidechain, and developers are now able to build fully customizable chains, including consensus, speed, privacy and crypto-economies. The achievements and integrations from 2023 will create the framework for an even better 2024.


Social media rounds! Starting with Torum :rocket:

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It has been a solid couple months with EON out there in the wild. I’d say we almost have a complete set of DeFi protocols on it, and once they start earning farming rewards I can see a lot more activity ramping up. Here’s to a successful 2024!

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Looking forward to it. Ready to stake some stuff in there


Thank you for the article.
2024 will be even better :wink:

PVM always bringing the fire Horizen Ecosystem content


Well detailed article, it basically covered all the achievements and integrations. :+1: PVM


With everyone’s help and support


Thank you :clap: :clap: We all had our contributions


Hello everyone,

My name is Jezza. I am a content creator on X. I have recently discover the HORIZEN project and really liked it. So I have made a thread about the project based on the white paper https://twitter.com/ProfHorizen/status/1739756151086989494

I hope the community members can give me some feedback. This is my first thread and I will be working on to develop each point of the project much further. I am looking forward to add value to this fantastic project.

Thanks for reading and feedback

I think you have been answered on Discord, but here is my feedback:

  • Horizen is a Layer O, ZEN is the ecosystem token;
  • Horizen is no longer a privacy coin;
  • We are a DAO today;
  • Secure Nodes will be deprecated soon;
  • We have sidechains, the EVM EON chain is one of them and is on POS, where forger nodes will be open publicly soon;
  • Domain Fronting Service are not in the roadmap anymore;

The white paper you did a thread on is outdated, the project evolved a lot meanwhile. I didn’t see you asking anything to our teams here or on Discord to validate the thread first or to ask where we were on the roadmap and progress.

But that would have been a great 2017 thread :wink: