ZenIP 42405 DRAFT: Directing the Horizen Foundation to Request a Migration Proposal for $ZEN and EON


Looking forward to see what HL brings to thise idea


Some feedback from the article!


I hope the ZEN community decides to become the core of the new proof verification blockchain community. It takes a long time to develop the culture of positivity and mutual respect we have.

There are so many supporters and ZEN holders worldwide, and it is truly a community that is full of the kind of people I like to associate with. I hope this proposal goes forward and EON is able to transition to a new EVM coupled with the proof verification chain. It will be an essential part of the overall solution.

The new ZEN EVM would have all the ZEN on it, could be a home for ZK dApps, would have a reason to exist, the DAO could have funds for incentives and grants, and there would be excitement for developers to create dApps that could have rapid access to low cost zk Proof verifications using the newest and most efficient zk technology.

There are so many new applications possible in that type of environment, it will be a renaissance of creation!


Thereā€™s a whole new world on EVM and ZEN can improve it a lot :muscle:


Sounds pretty good!
To keep the pace!


Very excited to see this roadmap, and so excited to see what kind of new projects could emerge thanks to this new stack. :rocket:


Read it again, somewhere else!
ZenIP 42405 DRAFT - Directing the #Horizen Foundation to Request a Migration for $ZEN and EON :rocket:

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Glad to see this, have been waiting on this idea to drop. Iā€™m in support of this ZenIPā€¦ Migration of $ZEN and Eon, 2024 is already a big one for Horizen ecosystem.


And 2024 and whatā€™s yet to come will make it even bigger

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Havenā€™t made a post here since that AMA in April and am not sure if this is the place to ask, but is there anything specific upcoming in the next few weeks or month that we should expect? I remember during the AMA that Rob was saying HL wants to be aggressive and quick, but it seems pretty quiet on all fronts since that time. I check the discord as well and I donā€™t see a lot there. It seems like crickets. I know thereā€™s probably a lot going on behind the scenes that we donā€™t see, but thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking as I havent seen much recently, unless Iā€™m missing something. But, I do check here time to time and view discord, and it just seems a lot quieter than Iā€™d have thought as that AMA in April and stressing the importance of moving fast. I saw a post today about ZK from the team, but wasnā€™t sure what else I may be missing?

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I just want to make sure I didnā€™t miss any news that was talked about.

pending announcement of the zk proof verification chain any day now.

Hopefully a vote for EON moving over to be the primary EVM for zk proof verification chain in the next week.

Itā€™s the quiet before the storm right now


The vote is passed with 99.99% ā€œForā€.
