Discord: Hi @everyone - good news to share! 🎉 **Yuzu**, a borrow/len

Hi @everyone - good news to share! :tada:

Yuzu, a borrow/lending protocol, is now LIVE on Horizen EON! <:EON_white:1098897250647818290>

Here’s what this means for the Horizen ecosystem (***fyi… there are some exciting rewards for early users of the protocol :shushing_face: ***)

Yuzu is the first crypto lending platform to launch on Horizen EON.

Users now have access to the following features

:moneybag: Crypto borrowing

:sunglasses: Crypto lending

:boom: Yield farming

**Here’s how you can get started with Yuzu **

Visit their website and start transacting :point_right: https://app.yuzu.market/

Check out our Galxe campaign - we are distributing custom OATs to all users that complete the quests :point_right: Yuzu is Live on Horizen EON! 🚀 by Horizen | Galxe

Read the announcement to learn more about the integration :point_right: Yuzu Finance & Horizen EON: Unlocking Yield Opportunities in the Horizen Ecosystem - Horizen Blog

Happy Holidays! :two_hearts: