Any Upcoming News?

I haven’t posted here since back in April or May when there was a lot going on. I’ve tried to keep following for updates but have noticed there’s really been nothing posted here in quite some time. Is that because everything is now about the Zk verify part? I try to look here every few days and on Twitter/Telegram but I haven’t seen too much recently about any real updates. It seems like anything I see is about Zk verify? Is there even going to be an airdrop or anything for existing holders? It seems like it’s too quiet.

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I’m guilty of not staying plugged in here enough myself. I find the Horizen X/Twitter account to be the most informative spot for updates.

That said, I did an AMA recently with Dom, who runs Product for Horizen 2.0 at Horizen Labs.

And, finally, the Horizen Labs Research Team published a Horizen 2.0 white paper that spells out the implementation and vision details.

Thanks for trying to stay plugged in!


I’ll have to check the AMA out. Thank you!


Cool, would love to hear feedback!